Marketing and Events Company Melbourne
Making a difference and spreading smiles during COVID-19

Making a difference and spreading smiles during COVID-19

Big Blog Post #5

OK, so we all know that the world is in more than a bit of a mess right now. We’re all at our own individual stages of processing the impacts of COVID-19 on all aspects of our lives – our working life, our family life, our economic life, our ‘me time’ – the list goes on and on.

In the meantime – while we’re all still getting used the ‘new way of life’ we’ll be sharing for the next few months (or more) – we’re being barraged by emails from every single brand we’ve ever interacted with – and a tonne of others we’ve got no idea how they ‘know’ us. They’re all telling us that they care. Yes, I get it – we all do.

But at this time, I really feel that instead of firing off well-intended, but pretty annoying interruptions to my day, I’d much prefer to hear from people who truly want to stay connected and are sharing their genuine messages – messages that actually make me smile, truly smile.

I received an email the other day from Edible Blooms – a brand I’ve had the pleasure of using to ‘spread smiles’ to people over the years. I LOVE what they’re doing with their brand and to spread smiles and keep people truly connected at a time like this.

They’ve introduced a campaign called the Smile Bandits. Check it out. It’s a fantastic initiative and it’s really wonderful to see a brand really, truly, authentically giving of themselves and spreading some light, happiness and smiles to unsuspecting recipients at this incredibly challenging time.

They are also offering a wonderful way to ensure that people stay connected with one another, reach out and show they care.

Another brand making a real difference in a positive way is Kmart.

We all know how hard it is to juggle work with keeping kids amused during the school holidays, but adding the ‘you can’t have your friends over or leave the house’ into the mix is not in the least bit fun and nothing any kid wants to hear when it’s school holiday time.

Kmart have come up with a fantastic way to help parents keep their kids occupied and entertained during this ‘stay at home and don’t leave the house’ school holiday period.

They’ve created a ‘Holiday Helper’ School Activity program. Check it out, it’s a huge help when your creative juices for ‘what to do next’ have run out. One less stress easily ticked off your daily list.

So, I urge you to take a leaf out of the Edible Blooms book and do what you can today, tomorrow, the next day and as often as you can – to make someone else smile.

Or, share some of your expert knowledge or advice to make someone else’s life a little easier right now. Kudos to Kmart for helping parents who’re struggling to juggle working from home with kids who can’t leave the house.

I bet that sharing smiles or helping others to reduce their level of stress will help YOU feel good and make it that bit easier to cope with all this chaos.